Changing mast in Brumunddal
This year we are replacing up to 450 masts- there are several good reasons for this. First, some of the masts must be replaced due to wear and tear. Others are completely full and do not have room for more equipment and are replaced to increase capacity. Our new masts will also have improved accessibility, an important aspect for keeping our staff, entrepreneurs, and clients safe when performing necessary maintenance work on the equipment.

Recently we replaced our mast in Brumunddal. The new mast is towering 65 meters over the municipality of Brumunddal, has more capacity and is more accessible than it’s predecessor. Another vast omprovement is that that the mast itself is made of composite, a more environmentally friendly material.
All our new masts, including the one in Brumunddal, is prepared as an open-ended structure. This means that if we need to increase the capacity in the future, we can simply add on new sections to the mast – without having to replace the mast itself. This saves us time and effort, and more importantly- it’s gentler on the environment.
The pace in the 5G roll-out is increasing, and our clients are competing to be first to market with new and improved technology. Our mast replacements will facilitate for this development, securing people in Brummundal – and the rest of Norway – improved services via their communication providers.